Our public reports are widely used as reference in decision making in the public and private sectors


Transformación digital en la educación – El caso de la provincia de Jujuy, Argentina, Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina (CAF), September 2023
Brecha de conectividad y necesidades de inversión en América Latina y el Caribe Una perspectiva económico-financiera, Gobierno de España – Centro de Estudios de Telecomunicaciones de América Latina – Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, July, 2023
The economic impact of telecommunications and broadband in Côte d’Ivoire, Columbia Institute for Tele-Information, February, 2023


Economic and fiscal incentives to accelerate digital transformation, International Telecommunication Union, November, 2022
The role of the digital economy in the economic recovery of Colombia, Millicom International Cellular, November, 2022
The “To and through” opportunity: An Economic Analysis of Options to Extend Affordable Broadband to Students and Households via Anchor Institutions, Open Technology Institute at New America / Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband Coalition, August, 2022


Benchmark of fifth-generation collaborative digital regulation, International Telecommunication Union, December, 2021
The impact of policies, regulation, and institutions on ICT sector performance, International Telecommunication Union, February 2021


Covid-19 and the economic value of Wi-Fi, Telecom Advisory Services, December 2020
Economic impact of COVID-19 on digital infrastructure, International Telecommunication Union, September 2020


O valor da transformação digital por meio da expansão móvel na América Latina (Portuguese Version), Telecom Advisory Services, November 2019
The value of digital transformation through expansive mobile in Latin America (English Version), Telecom Advisory Services, November 2019
El valor de la transformación Digital a través de la expansión móvil en América Latina (Spanish Version), Telecom Advisory Services, November 2019


Industrialización Inclusive y Sostenible en América Latina UN Economic Commision for Latin America and the Caribbean, August 2017
Increasing Broadband Internet Penetration in the OIC Member Countries, Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, February 2017



Latin America 4.0: The Digital Transformation in the Value Chain, gA Center for Digital Transformation, July 2015
The impact of taxation on the digital economy Report commissioned by the International Telecommunications Union June 2015



Assessment of the Economic Impact of Taxation on Communications Investment in the United States, study commissioned by the Broadband Tax Institute, October 2012
The economic impact of broadband in Panama, study commissioned by the Broadband Commission for Digital Development, May 2012
The economic impact of broadband in the Philippines, study commissioned by the Broadband Commission for Digital Development, May 2012
Impact of Broadband on the Economy, study commissioned by the International Telecommunication Union, April 2012
Estrategia Nacional de Banda Ancha para Costa Rica, project sponsored by the Government of Costa Rica, March 2012



Medicion de Impacto del Plan Vive Digital en Colombia, study commissioned by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies
Economic impact of wireless broadband in Rural America, a study commissioned by the Rural cellular Association, 2011
Beneficios Economicos del Dividendo Digital para America Latina, study commissioned by the GSMA and AHCIET, 2011
La Infraestructura en el Desarrollo Integral de America Latina – Telecomunicaciones, study commissioned by the Corporacion Andina de Fomento, 2011
Contact Raul Katz for more information: info@teleadvs.com